My Journey Using Midjourney for Concept Work

I recently asked Midjourney, an AI that produces images from text prompts for images of server rooms. I fell into a rabbit hole of requesting dozens of server rooms! I then decided to put a wrapping on these servers that would contain the name of the machine, but also give a feeling of why it exists.

Step 1: Be a sexy machine…

STETSON series machine in situ without corporate packaging or name tag.

Step 2: Be a sexy model

After seeing others use a specific actress or character to design new character concepts, I decided to pick a professionally handsome man to serve as my model, his name is Michael.

Example of unedited suggestions from Midjourney. Obrained via the beta and generated on August 29, 2022.

Step 3: Choose a champion

The winning design is one where the character is in context. STETSON is branded with cowboy imagery because the platform was first unsed in cattle farming. Our winning design is “A Thoughtful Cowboy”.

Midjourney learns from the images available already and it does not consider Michael Douglas to be a cowboy! Some results looked like “Gordon Gekko in a Cowboy Costume”.

Step 4: Bring it all together

Using the iOS app Procreate, I assembled the designs, and design a simple logo for the machine.

Step 5: Make it move!

I have used the iOS app Motionleap by Lightricks to animate the design. This tool is excellent but the PRO version is required to obtain this effect.

See my post about Marie Lapine, to meet the developer of all these cheekily branded machines that do math!

Choose TAB, When it Counts!

Stay tuned for more exciting series that can do anything your business requires!